Auction 16 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
By Kedem
Jul 13, 2011
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 375:

Mishnayot Kaf Nachat - Offenbach, 1732 - Glosses and Signatures

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Sold for: $200
Start price:
$ 200
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Jul 13, 2011 at Kedem

Mishnayot Kaf Nachat - Offenbach, 1732 - Glosses and Signatures
Mishnayot, including Kaf Nachat commentary [by Rabbi Shneur Feivush son of Rabbi Ya'akov], Seder Kodshim and Seder Taharot. [Offenbach], [1732].
Separate title-page for Seder Taharot. The word"Amsterdam" is emphasized on title-pages. Colophon at end of book"¦ 26 Elul 1732¦".
Margins of leaves contain dozens of glosses in ancient Ashkenazi handwriting from the period of the print. Binding leaves contain signatures and ownership notation [from 1820] of"Yoel¦ Arper Segal¦". Signature and ex-libris of Rabbi Eliezer HaLevi Dunner (1876-1950, rabbi in Ragashani and in Koloni, author of Zichron Yosef Tzvi and more).
[1], 143-172, 175, 276, [2], 278-462, [4] leaves (pagination differs slightly from that which is listed in the Bibliography Institute CD, last leaf unlisted). 13.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, tears and wear on leaf margins. Number of detached leaves. Gilded paper cut. Ancient detached leather binding.

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