Auction 61 Art, Silver, Jewelry, Judaica, Collectibles and More...
Oct 27, 2021
18 Haim Levanon St. Neve Itamar Netanya, Israel


דואר שליחים: 60ש"ח.

דואר רשום: 25ש"ח.

אנו מזמינים את כל לקוחותינו לשלוח דרך הוואטסאפ שלנו - 054-4315171 - שאלות או בקשות לתמונות נוספות לגבי כל הפריטים במכירה.

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LOT 304:

Nuremberg Chronicle, Quarta Etas Mundi, Leaf L, Hartmann Schedel, 1493.

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Sold for: $70 (₪224)
Start price:
$ 40
Estimated price :
$100 - $200
Buyer's Premium: 20%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Oct 27, 2021 at PASAREL

Nuremberg Chronicle, Quarta Etas Mundi, Leaf L, Hartmann Schedel, 1493.

Nuremberg Chronicle (Schedelsche Weltchronik): Quarta Etas Mundi, Leaf L, Hartmann Schedel, 1493.



Description of woodcuts recto:

* Panoramic view of Jericho (the first depiction of Jericho in print)

* The Prophet Elijah ascending to Heaven in a fiery chariot (Kings [Melachim) 2)

Description of wooducts verso:

* Lineage of the High Priests of Israel, showing Azariah (1 Kings [Melachim Aleph] 4), Jehoiada (2 Kings [Melachim Bet] 11), and Azariah IV (1 Chronicles [Divrey HaYamim Aleph] 6)

* Zechariah son of Jehoiada (2 Chronicles [Divrey HaYamim Bet] 24)

* Lineage of Aramean/Syrian Kings: Ben-Hadad I (reigned 885-865BC; 1 Kings [Melachim Aleph] 15), Hazael I (842–796BC; 1 Kings [Melachim Aleph] 19), Ben-Hadad III (796-792BC; 2 Kings [Melachim Beth] 13) and Rezin (754–732BC; 2 Kings [Melachim Beth] 16)

* Naboth the Jezreelite (1 Kings [Melachim Aleph] 21)

Translation of Latin text recto:;cc=nur;rgn=div2;view=text;idno=nur. 001.0004;node=nur.001.0004%3A5.19

Translation of Latin text verso:;cc=nur;rgn=div2;view=text;idno=nur. 001.0004;node=nur.001.0004%3A5.20

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