Auction 403 Part 1
By Palácio do Correio Velho
Jul 17, 2024
Calçada do Combro, 38 A - 1º 1200-114 Lisboa Portugal
The auction has ended

LOT 9:

Sinete conventual (Clarissas) em prata, em forma de naveta, P. 35,3 g.

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Sold for: €380
Start price:
Estimated price :
€100 - €200
Buyer's Premium: 21.14%
VAT: 23% On commission only
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Auction took place on Jul 17, 2024 at Palácio do Correio Velho

Sinete conventual (Clarissas) em prata, em forma de naveta, P. 35,3 g.
Conventual seal (Clarissas) in silver, shaped like a shuttle, depicting Saint Clare and the inscription "ABATISE ET CONVENTUS SANCTI CIARE CIVITATIS BARGANT". Without marks under Decree-Law 120/2017, of September 15 - art. 2, no. 2, paragraph c). Expenses, risks, and signs of use.
Approx. weight: 35.3 g; Approx. length: 5.2 cm.

This seal may have belonged to an abbess of the Monastery of Santa Clara in Bragança.

Sceau conventuel (Clarisses) en argent, en forme de navette, représentant Sainte Claire et l'inscription "ABATISE ET CONVENTUS SANCTI CIARE CIVITATIS BARGANT". Sans marques en vertu du Décret-Loi 120/2017, du 15 septembre - art. 2, n° 2, paragraphe c). Frais, risques et signes d'utilisation.
Poids approximatif : 35,3 g ; Longueur approximative : 5,2 cm.

Ce sceau aurait pu appartenir à une abbesse du Monastère de Santa Clara à Bragance.

传统的银质修道院印章(克拉丽莎),形状像梭子,描绘了圣克莱尔和铭文“ABATISE ET CONVENTUS SANCTI CIARE CIVITATIS BARGANT”。根据2017年9月15日颁布的法令120/2017,第2条,第2款,第c款,没有标记。费用、风险和使用痕迹。


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