Auction 403 Part 1
By Palácio do Correio Velho
Jul 17, 2024
Calçada do Combro, 38 A - 1º 1200-114 Lisboa Portugal
The auction has ended

LOT 20:

Nicho de encastrar do séc. XVIII, de madeira entalhada, dourada e pintada. Dim. aprox.: 150 x 78 x 42,5 cm.

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Sold for: €1,000
Start price:
Estimated price :
€1,000 - €2,000
Buyer's Premium: 21.14%
VAT: 23% On commission only
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Auction took place on Jul 17, 2024 at Palácio do Correio Velho

Nicho de encastrar do séc. XVIII, de madeira entalhada, dourada e pintada. Dim. aprox.: 150 x 78 x 42,5 cm.
Recessed niche from the 18th century, carved wooden, gilded, and painted. Body topped by a composition of vegetal scrolls, flanked by two angels. With two shelves and a painted background. Adaptation from a church altar. Wear, lacks, and defects.
Approx. dimensions: 150 x 78 x 42.5 cm.

Niche encastrée du 18ème siècle, en bois sculpté, doré et peint. Corps surmonté d'une composition de volutes végétales, flanqué de deux anges. Avec deux étagères et un fond peint. Adaptation d'un autel d'église. Usure, manques et défauts.
Dimensions approximatives : 150 x 78 x 42,5 cm.

18世纪的嵌入式壁龛,雕刻木制,镀金,上色。主体由植物纹饰组成,两侧有两个天使。配有两个架子和彩绘 背景。改编自教堂祭坛。磨损,缺失和瑕疵。
大约尺寸:150 x 78 x 42.5 厘米。

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