מכירה פומבית 13
Raskolnikov Gallery
Новгородская, 23, רוסיה
Дмитрий Беляев, Ольга Биантовская, Злата Бызова, Александр Ведерников, Владимир Ветрогонский, Нина Дьякова, Николай Домашенко, Владимир Емельянов, Анатолий Каплан, Адриан Каплун, Владимир Конашевич, Олег Кукушкин, Олег Ломакин, Владимир Меньшиков, Герта Неменова, Дмитрий Обозненко, Юрий Подляский, Виктор Рейхет, Татьяна Соловьева-Домашщенко, Николай Тимков, Милица Чарнецкая.
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 1:

Belyaev Dmitry (1921). "Grandfather Ivan and granddaughter Masha", 2005, 80x100, oil on canvas, signed by the ...

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 

מחיר פתיחה:
1,000,000 p
עמלת בית המכירות: 15% למידע נוסף
המכירה התקיימה בתאריך 27.2.21 בבית המכירות Raskolnikov Gallery

Belyaev Dmitry (1921). "Grandfather Ivan and granddaughter Masha", 2005, 80x100, oil on canvas, signed by the author. Сollection Raskolnikov Gallery.

Belyaev Dmitry Vasilievich (1921-2007) - Soviet and Russian painter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1998). Laureate of the St. Petersburg Government Prize in Literature, Art and Architecture (2004). Laureate of the I.E.Repin State Prize (2005). Full member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts. He painted genre and historical paintings, landscapes, portraits, still lifes.

In 1952 he graduated with honors from the painting department of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin in the workshop of Professor B.V. Johanson. His classmates were O. Lomakin, M. Kozlovskaya, I. Razdrogin, B. Lavrenko. In 1952 he was admitted to the Leningrad Union of Soviet Artists (LOSH). Permanent participant in exhibitions of Leningrad artists since 1953. Personal exhibition in the halls of the Leningrad organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR (1988) In 2011 the artist's exhibitions were held: in the State Russian Museum and in the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts (St. Petersburg).

The artist's works are in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in museums and private collections in Russia, Finland, China, USA, Japan, Great Britain, France and many other countries.

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לפריט הבא 