מכירה פומבית 13
Raskolnikov Gallery
Новгородская, 23, רוסיה
Дмитрий Беляев, Ольга Биантовская, Злата Бызова, Александр Ведерников, Владимир Ветрогонский, Нина Дьякова, Николай Домашенко, Владимир Емельянов, Анатолий Каплан, Адриан Каплун, Владимир Конашевич, Олег Кукушкин, Олег Ломакин, Владимир Меньшиков, Герта Неменова, Дмитрий Обозненко, Юрий Подляский, Виктор Рейхет, Татьяна Соловьева-Домашщенко, Николай Тимков, Милица Чарнецкая.
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 7:

Reikhet Victor (1922-2000). "On the current", 1957, cardboard, oil, 24x35, signed by the author, framed, good ...

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 

מחיר פתיחה:
180,000 p
עמלת בית המכירות: 15% למידע נוסף
המכירה התקיימה בתאריך 27.2.21 בבית המכירות Raskolnikov Gallery

Reikhet Victor (1922-2000). "On the current", 1957, cardboard, oil, 24x35, signed by the author, framed, good preservation. Collection "Raskolnikov Gallery".
Reikhet Victor Iosifovich (1922 - 2000). People's Artist of Russia. Soviet and Russian painter, teacher, professor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1982). Outstanding master of the Leningrad school of painting. He worked in the genre of historical painting, landscape, portrait, still life.

In 1955 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin after the workshop of Professor V. M. Oreshnikov. One of the teachers was A.A. Mylnikov. Since 1957 he began teaching at the Department of Painting and Composition of the Institute named after I. E. Repin in the workshop of V. M. Oreshnikov. In 1975 he was elected to the post of professor of the Department of Painting and Composition of the Institute named after I. E. Repin. From 1991 to 2000 he headed the training workshop of the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting and Sculpture and architecture named after I.E. Repin and the creative workshop of the Russian Academy of Arts.

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 