Kodesh books, manuscripts, maps of Israel and Judaica
By Winner'S
Jul 9, 2014
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israel
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LOT 58:

Haggada Leil Shemurim. With the "Elef HaMagen" Booklet. Warsaw, 1869. Only Edition

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Sold for: $700
Start price:
$ 700
Estimated price :
$800 - $1,000
Buyer's Premium: 20%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Jul 9, 2014 at Winner'S

Haggada Leil Shemurim. With the "Elef HaMagen" Booklet. Warsaw, 1869. Only Edition
Haggada Leil Shemurim with the 'Talpiot' and 'Elef HaMagen' elucidations by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Feinstein of Brisk. Warsaw, [1869].
Unique elucidation according to pshat and grammatical rules. Studies the text variations and source of every passage. Ends with a lengthy booklet named "Elef HaMagen" with different studies regarding the words of Chazal.
The "Elef HaMagen" is exceptionally rare. The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book notes that the "Elef HaMagen" noted on the title page wasn't actually printed. It is listed accordingly in Yaari 1007. Otzar Haggadot 1358 notes that none of the inspected copies had the "Elef HaMagen", but Wiener 589 lists 40 leaves at the end, while the other listed haggadot have 36. It is possible that Wiener's copy included the "Elef HaMagen".
The haggada in our copy concludes on leaf 36. The Haggada is followed by a blank leaf and then the "Elef HaMagen" that is paginated 37-46. In other words, there are 10 leaves with the "Elef HaMagen". However, the two last leaves were mispaginated 39-40. Therefore, even what Wiener saw or heard about the supplementary leaves was erroneously listed as 40 leaves though it had 46! The copy in the National Library is also
missing the "Elef HaMagen".
Loose cardboard binding with blemished spine. Detached flyleaf. All other leaves are in very fine condition.

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