ЛОТ 1: Milot HaHigayon. The Ramba"m's First Sefer. Venice, 1550. Extraordinarily Rare. Milot HaHigayon L'HaRamba"m . Justinian Press. Incomplete copy. The final two leaves are completed with artistic photocopies. This is the Ramba"m's first sefer , which tradition maintains was written by him while he ...
ЛОТ 2: Historic Discovery: Rabbi Yisrael Najara's Lost Work . "The author of Koreh HaDorot determined that this s efer was written but not printed (!) There is no complete copy. Aside from [6] leaves in my possession, there are another two leaves known to be in the Frankfurt municipal library." ( ...
ЛОТ 3: Sefer Chassidim. Krakow, 1581. Important Early Edition, Fully Complete. Sefer Chassidim by Rabbi Yehudah HeChassid. Kraków, Yitzchak Ben Aharon of Přeštice Press, 1581. Second or third edition of this important sefer , printed in many dozens of editions. Another edition was printed that same ...
ЛОТ 4: Sefer Chareidim. Venice, 1601. First Edition, Including the First Publication of the Well-Known Song Yedid Nefesh. "He authored a sacred sefer entitled Sefer HaChareidim ... and we heard of his sanctity and the wonders that happened to him in Constantinople" (the Chid"a, in Shem HaGedolim ) ...
ЛОТ 5: Moreh Nevuchim L'HaRamba"m. Sabbioneta, 1553. With the Rare Leaves. Sefer Moreh Nevuchim L'HaRamba"m with commentaries. Sabbioneta, Puah Press by Cornelio Eidelkind, 1553. Ancient rabbinic signatures at the top of the title page in several different scripts. Early edition of Moreh Nevuchim ...
ЛОТ 6: Ma'aseh Chiya by Rabbi Chiya Rofeh of Safed. Venice, 1652. First Edition. Talmudic novellae and responsa by HaRav HaMusmach Rabbi Chiya Rofeh, a leading chacham of Safed. The sefer was printed by his son, Rabbi Meir Rofeh, a Chevron emissary, with an approbation by Rabbi Eliezer ben Archa ...
ЛОТ 7: Especially Rare: Mishnayot Taharot. Prague, 1617. First Edition of the Tosafot Yom Tov Commentary. Mishnayot Seder Taharot with Rabbi Ovadiyah of Bartenura's commentary and the "Tosefet Yom Tov" commentary - among the most important commentaries on the Mishnah, by Rabbi Yom Tov Lipmann HaLevi ...
ЛОТ 8: Sabbioneta-Mantua Set of Mishnayot, 1559-1562. Very rare. Exceptionally rare set of this most important edition of the Mishnah which began to be printed in 1559 in Sabbioneta and, due to the burning of the Talmud, was completed in Mantua [see below]. Sabbioneta-Mantua, 1559-1562. The complete ...
ЛОТ 9: Very Rare: Second Edition of Midrash Rabbah. Venice, 1545. Sefer Midrash Rabbot al kol Chamishah Chumshei Torah . This is the third-most-important sefer kodesh after the Tana"ch and the Talmud. A beautiful etching is printed at the beginning of each chumash on about a third of the page. Venice ...
ЛОТ 10: Shulchan Aruch. Kraków, 1618-1620, with Important Supplements in Hagahot HaRam"a. Three Parts. Glosses. Shulchan Aruch with Hagahot HaRam"a and with the addition of references and sources for the Ram"a's words. Kraków, Bnei Yitzchak Ben Aharon of Prostitz Press, 1618-1620. Three parts. Rare ...
ЛОТ 11: Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. Menasseh Ben Israel Press. Amsterdam, 1631-1635; Additionally: Haftarahs for the Entire Year. Amsterdam, 1631. Uncomlete copy. * Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Nevi'im U'Ketuvim. Four parts in one thick volume. With a table of the haftarahs . Amsterdam, Menasseh Ben Israel ...
ЛОТ 12: Shu"t Torat Emet, Venice. First edition. Pedigree Copy. Glosses. Sefer Torat Emet - responsa by Rabbi Aharon Sasson. Fundamental adjudicative work. Bragadini Press. Venice, 1626. First edition. Located in the Rare Books Collection at the National Library. Everyone who studies Shulchan Aruch ...
ЛОТ 13: Fundamental Work. Minchat Cohen. Amsterdam, 1668. First edition. Sefer Minchat Cohen by Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Fimintil, among the sages of Amsterdam and Hamburg. Includes three sefarim : Sefer MiMevo HaShemesh, Sefer HaTa'arovot and Sefer Mishmeret HaShabbat . Includes three important and ...
ЛОТ 14: Biur al HaSma"g Juan di Gara Press, Venice, First Edition. Approbation by the Maharsh"a. Sefer Biur al Sefer Mitzvot Gadol [ Sma"g ] by Rabbi Yosef Ben HaKadosh R' Yosef of Kremnitz. Venice, 1605. First edition. Located in the Rare Books Department in the National Library in Jerusalem. This ...
ЛОТ 15: Mikra'ei Kodesh by Rabbi Yosef Samegah. Venice, 1586. First Edition. "It will be considered as if he was occupied with the Torah the entire year, because the dedicated are influenced from the Yom Tov all the days of the year." (from the author's preface.) Sefer Mikra'ei Kodesh - Part I on ...
ЛОТ 16: Tana"ch. Antwerp. 1573. Torah, Prophets and Writings "Written with the close supervision of Christophorus Plantinus. Antwerp, 1573. Printed in two columns, not vowelized. There is a change in the print between Bereishit and the rest of the Tana"ch. In Bereishit, each verse is marked with a ...
ЛОТ 17: Urim V'Tumim. Venice, 1603. First Edition. Urim V'Tumim - commentary on Nevi'im - Yeshayahu and Yirmiyahu, by Rabbi Meir Aramah. Venice, 1603. The person who brought it to print, Rabbi Menachem Ya'akov Ashkenazi, wrote in his introduction to this work, "This sefer was ordered for me, and ...
ЛОТ 18: 'Sha'ar Bat Rabim.' Venice, Four Huge Volumes. Among the Most Magnificent Machzorim Ever Printed. Sha'ar Bat Rabim - magnificent large machzorim - huge format machzorim. Two parts in four huge volumes. Beautifully printed with wide margins. Each part opens with a magnificent copperplate title ...
ЛОТ 19: Siddur HaRama"k, First Print: Three Parts. Premishlan, 1892. "Whoever takes this sacred siddur shall be blessed with children, health, and abundant sustenance, and it will provide protection for his home." (approbation from Rabbi Uri of Sambor) Siddur Tefillah L'Moshe - rare and important ...
ЛОТ 20: Siddur Divrei Tzaddikim. First Ashkenazic Siddur Printed in America. Philadelphia, 1848. Siddur Divrei Tzaddikim - The Book of Daily Prayers , per the custom of Ashkenaz and Poland, proofread and translated by R' Yitzchak Ben Uri ibn Elazar - Isaac Leeser. Philadelphia, Sherman Press, 1848. ...
ЛОТ 21: Very Rare: Sha'arei Dema'ot - Prayer for Wartime by the Chatam Sofer. Unknown Leaves. Kuntress Sha'arei Dema'ot commemorating the terrible war that broke out in 1914 ... for our broken brethren in Galicia who were exiled, by Rabbi Shmuel Reinitz, author of Olelot Ephraim . The kuntress was ...
ЛОТ 22: Shefa Tal by Rabbi Shabtai Segal Horowitz. Frankfurt am Main, 1719. Kabbalistic Illustrations. Sefer Shefa Tal - key to the secrets of Kabbalistic wisdom, including Sefer Iggeret HaTa'amim , and specifically, mishnayot from Sefer Yetzirah and Ma'amarei Zohar V'Tikkunim . Most of the content is ...
ЛОТ 23: Fundamental Sefer: Nefesh HaChayim by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Vilna, 1824. First Edition. Nefesh HaChayim - Yir'at Hashem LaChayim . Topics in mussar, Kabbalah and machshavah in the depths of Judaism, by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, major primary disciple of the Gr"a of Vilna. Vilna and ...
ЛОТ 24: Sefer HaZohar. Jerusalem, 1844-1846. First Edition of Sefer HaZoher Printed in Jerusalem. Complete Set. Sefer HaZohar with the Chid"a's glosses entitled Devash L'Fi . First edition of Sefer HaZohar printed in Jerusalem. R' Yisrael Beck Press. 1844-1846. Among the first sefarim printed in ...
ЛОТ 25: Collection: Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook: [5] Rare and Important Books. * Arpilei Tohar by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook [Jaffa, A. Itin Press, 1914] - sefer cancelled in the middle of printing. Earlywork by Rabbi Kook discussing topics in Divine service and the period ...
ЛОТ 26: Magnificent Copy: Shu"t Shev Ya'akov. Fundamental Work. First Edition. Frankfurt, 1742. Sefer Shu"t Shev Ya'akov - responsa by the renowned gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Poppers, av beit din of Frankfurt. Among the most important works in responsa literature. Two parts bound together with dedicated title ...
ЛОТ 27: Especially Rare: Shem Olam. Montefiore. Rescue of Moroccan Jews. Only Edition. Sefer Shem Olam including all the plots against our brethren in Morocco in 1863, with the steaming cup which they were served by the cruel emissaries from Spain, and the cup of salvation served to them by Moshe ...
ЛОТ 28: Machzik Berachah by the Chid"a. First Edition, in the Author's Lifetime. Livorno, 1785. Beautiful Glosses. Sefer Machzik Berachah on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim and Yoreh Deah. Among the most important sifrei halachah written by the Acharonim. First edition, printed by the author, the gaon Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 29: Sefer Chessed L'Avraham - Kabbalah. Slavuta, 1794. Among the First Sefarim Printed in Slavuta. Sefer Chessed L'Avraham - fundamental work of Kabbalah by Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azoulay I, the Chid"a's great-great grandfather. [Printed by the sacred Rabbi Moshe Shapira, av beit din of Slavuta ...
ЛОТ 30: Talmud Yerushalmi - Zhitomir. Complete Sha"s. Pedigree Copy. Glosses. Complete set of Talmud Yerushalmi, with commentaries. Printed by the sacred brothers Rabbi Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira. Zhitomir, 1860-1867. Four parts in three volumes. Personal Sha"s that belonged to the gaon ...
ЛОТ 31: Arba'ah Turim. Zhitomir. Complete Set!. Arba'ah Turim with commentaries and supplements, Zhitomir, printed by the grandsons of the Slavuta Rav, Rabbis Chanina Lipa and Yehoshua Heschel Shapira, 1857-1859. Complete set of Arba'ah Turim printed in sanctity by the Shapira family rabbis. Stamps ...
ЛОТ 32: Avodat Yisrael, the Maggid of Kozhnitz. Józefów, 1842. First Edition. Chassidic ma'amarim on the weekly Torah portions and on Pirkei Avot by Rabbi Yisrael Hopstein of Kozhnitz - the "Maggid of Kozhnitz." First edition of one of the fundamental works of Chassidut. With an approbation by ...
ЛОТ 33: Breslov Chassidut. First Edition: Alim LaTerufah. Berdichev, 1896. Rare. Sefer Alim LaTerufah , letters to awaken a person to Divine service, by Rabbi Nattan Sternhartz - Moharana"t of Breslov. Berdichev, 1896. First edition. First edition of this important and fundamental work of Breslov ...
ЛОТ 34: Ach Pri Tevuah by the Admo"r Rabbi Hersheleh of Liska, Rabbi Yeshayaleh of Kerestir's Teacher. First edition. Chassidut, first edition: Sefer Ach Pri Tevuah , first printing. Chassidic thought on the weekly Torah portions by the renowned wonder-worker, the Admo"r Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska. ...
ЛОТ 35: Chassidut, First Edition: Imrei Shefer, the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Frenkel of Dorog. Sefer Imrei Shefer - Chassidut on the order of the weekly Torah portions, with sweet and sharp words on several halachahs, by the salvation-worker, the gaon Rabbi Shmuel Frenkel Mb"ch, av beit din of Dorog. Munkacs ...
ЛОТ 36: "Offspring, Health, and Sustenance!" Renowned Segulah Sefer - Komárno-Ben Beiti Tehillim. First Edition. Ungvar, 1887. "Whoever has this sefer with its commentary in his home - this will certainly protect him from all evil. Not only will it protect him, but it will also influence him with the ...
ЛОТ 37: Chassidut, First Edition: Torah Kohanim, Asirit HaEifah. Komárno. Lvov, 1848. Torat Kohanim with the Asirit HaEifah commentary by the Admo"r Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Yehudah Yechiel Safrin, av beit din of Zhidichov and Komárno, author of Heichal HaBerachah . Lemberg, 1848. First edition. With an ...
ЛОТ 38: Chassidut, First Printing: Iggera D'Kallah - Kabbalah. By the Author of Bnei Yissachar. Sefer Iggera D'Kallah al HaTorah - Renowned Chassidic sefer by the Admo"r Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov, "Ba'al Ha Bnei Yissachar " - one of the leading Admo"rim over the generations. Lvov [Lemberg ...
ЛОТ 39: Collection of [120] Sefarim 19th-20th Centuries. Glosses, Signatures and Stamps from Gedolei HaDorot. Huge collection of over 120 sefarim collected by their owners over the years. The collection consists of sefarim with glosses, dedications, signatures and stamps from gedolei hadorot over the ...
ЛОТ 40: Discovery: Handwritten Notes from the Chafetz Chaim on his Sefer, Likkutei Halachot, Still Unrevised!. * Likkutei Halachot on tractates from Kodshim: Tamid, Temurah, Kritut and Bechorot, by the rabbi of the entire Jewish people, the kohen gadol , Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin. Pietrkov ...
ЛОТ 41: Ba'al HaNefesh. Berlin, 1762; Signature by the Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Shemesh, the Chatam Sofer's Rabbi. "I heard something like this from the Adm"o, the great rabbi, Rabbi Ya'akov Shemesh ztz"l, who was a rabbi in the kloiz in the large beit midrash in my hometown of Frankfurt am Main" ( ...
ЛОТ 42: Shu"t Rem"a MiPano. Venice, 1600. First Print. Copy that Previously Belonged to Rabbi Chaim Segri. Dozens of Handwritten Glosses. Sefer Teshuvot HaRema MiPano - responsa and commentary on practical halachic sugyas by the leading posek and Kabbalist of Italy, Rabbi Menachem Azaryah of Pano. The ...
ЛОТ 43: Magnificent Early Edition of Chiddushei Maharsh"a and Maharsha"l; Copy the Belonged to Rabbi Avraham, Av Beit Din of Copenhagen. Sefer Chiddushei Halachot Maharsh"a with Sefer Chochmat Shlomo by the Maharsha"l. Amsterdam, Proops Press, 1755. Copy that belonged to the gaon Rabbi Avraham Rosenberg ...
ЛОТ 44: Minchat Yitzchak, First Edition. Author's Copy with Many Handwritten Glosses!. Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot Minchat Yitzchak [Part I] by the renowned gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Ya'akov Weiss, later ga'ava"d of Jerusalem, in place of the gaon of Satmar. London, 1955. Author's personal copy - that of the ...
ЛОТ 45: Olat Tamid. Amsterdam, 1681. First Edition. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Olat Tamid , elucidation on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with the Shulchan Aruch text, by Rabbi Shmuel b"r Yosef of Kraków. Two parts: Olat Tamid and Olat Shabbat . Amsterdam, 1681. Among the most renowned works on Shulchan Aruch ...
ЛОТ 46: Seder HaYom - Kabbalah - Copy that Belonged to the Gadol HaDor, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, with his Signature, Stamps and Many Usage Marks. "I am certain that one who follows this schedule and does not budge from it will be beloved in Heaven and on Earth, be successful in all he ...
ЛОТ 47: Binyan Ariel. Amsterdam, 1778. Copy Received from the Author. Novellae on the parashiyot , Chamesh Meggilot, holidays and festivals; Talmudic novellae and responsa, by Rabbi Shaul [Lowenstam], av beit din of Amsterdam and grandson of the Chacham Tzvi. Amsterdam, 1778. First edition. Two parts. ...
ЛОТ 48: Discovery: Poetry Handwritten by the Leading Kabbalist of Yemen, Rabbeinu Chaim Sinwani, Ra'ava"d of Sinwan. Not Printed. 'Diwan Mori Chaim Sinwani'!! Most sacred - personal book of songs by the leading Kabbalist, among the 36 tzaddikim, Rabbeinu Chaim Sinwani, ra'ava"d of Sinwan, Yemen, and ...
ЛОТ 49: Early Manuscript: Rash"i's Commentary on the Torah. Yemen, 1600s. Thick volume with Yemenite script. Rash"i's commentary on the Torah from the 1600s. [154] leaves. Written on both sides in beautiful Yemenite script. 14x21 cm. The first leaf was exchanged with a later leaf than all the other ...
ЛОТ 50: Siddur with the Mahari"tz's Etz Chayim Commentary. Printed in the Mahari"tz's Lifetime. Siddur in Yemenite script with the renowned commentary by the Mahari"tz Mori Yichye Ben Yosef Tzalach, apparently written in his lifetime. Service for the four fast days, Hatarat Nedarim , customs for the ...
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